The Friends of California Crew
Invite you to our
2nd Annual Dinner & Auction
Friday March 23, 2012

SOLD OUT! Please Contact Zach Vlahos at (510) 899-7906 for guest questions.

Please join fellow supporters of Cal Crew for a casual and unique evening. 
Be one of the first to see and limited few to dine at the new...

Simpson Center for Student-Athlete High Performance

Memorial Stadium

2227 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, CA 94720

Cocktails at 5:30PM  Dinner at 7:00PM
We have 8 amazing lots for you to bid on in our
"Boatload" Live Auction.

As well as great items for you to bid on in our silent auction.

$150 Per Person

Table sponsorships available.

For information contact Zach Vlahos at or call (510) 899-7906

Net Proceeds benefit the Cal Crew programs.

To Purchase tickets follow the "Purchase Tickets Here" link on the top left of this page or click the link below.